Mexico City restaurant listings on these website pages, and on all of the maps, are provided by the Cámara Nacional de la Industria Restaurantera, CANIRAC, through their Gastronomic Guide to Mexico City. That’s the Mexican National Chamber of Commerce of the Restaurant Industry, a major trade association.
Visitors to Mexico City are introduced to a world of tacos, enchiladas, flautas, and chiles. Many dishes are unique to the city, and even more to the surrounding country.
All of the maps on all of our pages show nearby restaurants, kitchens, markets, even cocktail bars and breweries. It’s a world to be learned, and if you’re ready to dig in, there’s a lot to enjoy. You can see the complete map of sites, including restaurants, here.
The Guia Gastromica Blog is one of the leading sources for information on new and trending Mexico City Restaurants and opportunities for eating better. The blog highlights member restaurants, but also ingredientes, recipes, lists, and markets. There are places new, and old.
“Culinary Explorations” also covers events related to the food industry. And these are not just trade shows. There are local festivals of produce and harvests, as well as many of the traditional religious celebrations that involve special recipes, dishes, and produce.