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Álvaro Obregón Parks

Álvaro Obregón parks crop up in an already green and surprisingly natural part of Mexico City. The alcaldía consists of exactly one-third of natural protected land preserves and nature reserves. You'll find much of this far to the south and west.

The other two-thirds of the alcaldía strikes one as urban, some of the City's most familiar areas. Among these are San Ángel and Chimalistac. Many residents of Mexico City will only ever know these parts of the territory. More's the pity.

Álvaro Obregón finds its place in fiercely rugged terrain. Much of it can't be developed in any traditional sense, so even when you think you've hit the densest neighborhood of Álvaro Obregón, you'll see that a steep ravine or valley offers the hope of a few trees. Often there are many more than a few trees. Much of this part of the city has only ever been green, blossoming, and continuing to grow.

Álvaro Obregón parks, sometimes necessary, and oftentimes, not, crop up in the nicest of places. The pages below offer many of the best of them, in one vast, seemingly unknowable and fascinating corner of Mexico City.

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