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Tláhuac Public Markets

Tláhuac Public Markets are where the food of the farmland gets served up. That's most famously in the markets of Tláhuac's Chinampa Farming Towns. Unique in the world, only neighboring Xochimilco shares similar farming methods and a history of feeding the Valley of Mexico.

The same is true in each of the seven original settlements that make up the longest-inhabited communities in Tláhuac. Each is unique, and nearly all boast a communal trading center near the center of town. The public market is a place for trade, for consumption, and for shared tradition and culture, too.

Much of the food being served comes directly from the fields. And the fields are everywhere. Readily prepared in sit-down eateries, meals are often carefully crafted. But have a good walk around. You can usually browse a number of different menus. You won't be alone doing it.

The Tláhuac public markets give you entry into each of these close communities. They're often very close to the town center. And food is fresher, healthier, and a treat to learn about.

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