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Museo de Azcapotzalco

museo de azcapotzalco
Photo: Foto Mauricio Marat, INAH.


first settlements route mex city
First Settlements

The Museo de Azcapotzalco reopened in 2018 after many years as a dusty “regional museum.” Today it’s a dynamic center of culture, history, and art. The entire space has been laid out chronologically with exhibitions beginning in the Pleistocene and running straight through the 20th century. Nearly the entire collection originates in Azcapotzalco, but it also includes models, replicas of archaeological pieces, some multimedia works, and of course maps and photos. The stars of the museum are of course the actual artifacts, fossils and archaeological finds.

More than 400 artifacts make up the core of the collection. These include clay figurines, incense burners, ear covers, necklace beads, whistles, spearheads, vases, and a mammoth molar.

Although the Tepeneca people were the arch-enemies of the Mexica whose Triple Alliance eventually defeated them, they’re also essential to understanding the ancient history of the Valley of Mexico. Agricultural activity began on this shore of Lake Texcoco around 800 BC.

Much of the Museo de Azcapotzalco collection is based on work begun by the researcher Manuel Gamio more than 100 years ago. It also results from 70 different excavations carried out in Azcapotzalco in the century since then. Figurines of Chicomecóatl, a goddess of corn, have been found repeatedly. Precise information on the locations of discoveries has also been documented and is on display.

The museum should be visited in combination with a trip to the Tezozomoc Park. With a lake, cultural center, and other attractions, it’s one of the best in this part of the City.

Hours: Tuesdays through Sundays,  10 a.m. to 5 p.m


How to get here


Tezozómoc Park

Nearest at 0.25 kms.

Tezozómoc Museum

Nearest at 0.73 kms.

Metro El Rosario

Nearest at 1.24 kms.


Anahuacalli Museum

Initially intended as but one part of a City of the Arts, today's Anahuacalli Museum is a far more contemporary space than you might imagine.

Mixcoac Archaeological Site

One of the city's newest archaeological sites, it's one of the oldest and deepest of shrines in the Valley.

Cerro de la Estrella Archaeological Zone

One of the oldest and most significant archaeological zones in Mexico City.

Cuicuilco Archaeological Site and Museum

A museum, one of the only round pyramids in the country, and a history as deep as it is broad, Cuicuilco is not a site to be missed.

National Museum of Anthropology (MNA)

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