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Meyehualco Area

The Meyehualco Area has been known to Iztapalapa residents for most of the past half-century. But word of the broader area really only reached the rest of the city with the opening of the giant Cuitláhuac Park in 2019.

The park used to be a giant landfill from which area residents only eked out a living. Today, it's a giant reclaimed natural area. And residents of surrounding communities have made it into one of the most used parks in the City.

The giant Meyehualco housing development grew up on the el Peñon land grant farmed by the very old Santa Cruz Meyehualco. One of 15 original settlements in Iztapalapa, the community here dates to 1496, a good 25 years before the Spanish finally conquered the Valley of Mexico in 1521.

Today, Meyehualco is especially well-known for the Utopia with the giant animated dinosaurs. They're among the most accurate life-sized dinosaur figures ever created anywhere. But for visitors without young kids, the giant park and the center of the ancient town make for a day well spent in a community that's rebuilding, regrowing, and consolidating, even to the present day.

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