Metro Culhuacán allows you to take line 12 directly into the heart of one of Mexico City’s longest inhabited neighborhoods, and one of the 15 original settlements of Iztapalapa.
Culhuacán means “Hill bent by the center of the star,” though it might also be translated as “Place of the Culhua people.” One of the most important settlements in the ancient Valley of Mexico, it’s believed to have been the arrival place of at least some of those departing Teotihuacan beginning in about 700 CE.
The station icon is the glyph that represents Culhuacán.
Today but one more urban Metro station in the system, it’s a good starting point for a number of attractions in the area.
Nearest at 0.10 kms.
Nearest at 0.26 kms.
Nearest at 0.31 kms.
A giant neighborhood market for south eastern Coapa and Cuemanco . . .
Chicomecóatl is a neighborhood center and cultural hub for communities in the shadow of the volcano.
Likely the best place for lunch in San Francisco Culhuacán...
An original settlement in Iztapalapa, this one's making a comeback...
An early 1950s architectural marvel reaches for the sky...