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Galería MASA / Colorada de Tacubaya

Photos courtesy of La Finca Colorada

The Galería MASA is a prominent design gallery in Lomas de Chapultepec. But their Lomas headquarters is today supplemented by a prominent outpost in San Miguel Chapultepec. La Colorada de Tacubaya is a small boutique hotel and events venue that has hosted the MASA design squad since early in 2024.

La Colorada de Tacubaya took over from the historic location of La Rojo de Tacubaya. This was a legendary events venue and gallery begun by cement magnate, Federico Sánchez Fogarty (1901-1976). Sánchez Fogarty was a public relations officer with the Monterrey company, Cementos Tolteca. Way back in 1931, he organized an art competition with a list of stellar entrants. Rufino Tamayo, María Izquierdo, and Juan O’Gorman, were among the entrants.

The contest was followed by decades of intellectual and artistic get-togethers at this very site, Sánchez Fogarty’s mansion. Poets, writers, artists, and prominent critics arrived from all over the country. More than 300 events were held over 23 years at the site and it later survived as a sometime salon, artistic residence, and gallery. Even today,  Sánchez Fogarty is credited with having deeply influenced the culture and arts scenes of 20th century Mexico and Mexico City.

Today, La Colorada de Tacubaya has restored much of the old design and invited guests from the world over to take part in that heritage. The Galería MASA curates ongoing exhibitions and installations within the space.

For those who aren’t guests of the hotel, visits can be arranged through the MASA website.

How to get here


Russian Embassy in Mexico City

Nearest at 0.24 kms.

Edificio Ermita

Nearest at 0.26 kms.


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