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Embassy of Chile

Photos: Aquintero82, CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED 

The Embassy of Chile is just off of Paseo de la Reforma in the City’s Polanco neighborhood. The building is visible from Reforma, but technically on the calle Andrés Bello just across a section of the Churchill Garden.

Important: Consular services, like passport and visa changes are available at a different location. The consular service is just up the Campos Elíseos at

  • 188 Campos Elíseos, 14th floor
  • Corner of Calle Arquímedes
  • It’s just about a 5 minute walk on the Campos Elíseos
  • Phone: +525552809681
  • The street is named for Andrés de Jesús María y José Bello López (1781–1865). He was a Venezuelan-Chilean humanist, diplomat, poet, legislator, philosopher, educator, and philologist. His works in politics and literature continued to influence South American culture throughout the 19th century.

Edificio Forum

The Edificio Forum is the 1991, work of architects Salomón Gorshtein, Elías Fasja, and José Fábregas. The land was historically part of the Rancho Polanco. Today, the 25-story, five-basement building is home also to the Embassy of South Africa as well as number of commercial tenants.

Mexico and Chile

Mexico and Chile share a long and fruitful diplomatic history. Already in the 1820s, they’d established formal cooperative relations. Today, both are members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Agreements. the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, The Organization of American States, and the Pacific Alliance. The two countries have also hosted multiple high-level state visits.

Extensive free trade agreements led to trade totaling some US$3.3 billion in 2021. Mexico imports lumber, plywood, salmon, cheese, wine and copper and sends back automobiles and parts as well as tractors, electronics, machinery and beer.

Embassy hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

How to get here
  • Andrés Bello Nº10, Piso 18, Edificio Forum, Col. Polanco, Alc. Miguel Hidalgo, 11560, CDMX
  • +525552809681


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