The Casa de Cultura Chicomecóatl is a neighborhood cultural center in the giant Cerro de la Estrella neighborhood just south of the Cerro itself. Like the best cultural centers in Mexico City, this one came together when neighborhood parents saw their kids getting into trouble with nothing to do after school.
In 2010, they opened the casa mostly as a center for kid’s art projects. Since then, they’ve expanded to include continuing education, dance, martial arts, and creativity more generally. The ideas have made the place into a bedrock for the community.
The Casa de Cultura Chicomecóatl is roughly a 20-minute walk north of Metro Calle 11. Visitors will often head over from the Canal Nacional area. But then, much of the area is on the upswing, so nearby places to eat and drink are increasing in number too.
Nearest at 0.96 kms.
Nearest at 0.98 kms.
Nearest at 1.20 kms.
A giant neighborhood market for south eastern Coapa and Cuemanco . . .
Likely the best place for lunch in San Francisco Culhuacán...
An original settlement in Iztapalapa, this one's making a comeback...
An early 1950s architectural marvel reaches for the sky...
The first town in the area to have a chapel served all the other neighborhoods.