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Festival Turístico on Paseo de la Reforma (Photos)

Las riquezas de México

Always colorful, the sidewalks of Paseo de la Reforma are welcoming the enormous Tianguis Turístico in March of 2023. This includes two complete complete exhibitions, both featuring the wealth, cultural, and natural offerings of the 32 different states of Mexico. While the Tianguis itself occupies the giant Centro Citibanamex on the City’s west side, some of the festivities reach right into the heart of the capital.

Festival Turístico

Between the Diana the Huntress Glorieta and that of the Angel de la Independencia, the Festival Turístico includes information booths and presentations from all 32 Mexican States. These are spaced so that visitors can take in something from all 32 destinations. Many of them are spell-binding.

The festival continues with cultural presentations, music, and dance from all over the Mexican Republic. These take place on the Calzada Juventud Heroíca. That’s the broad walkway between the Puerta de Los Leones on Reforma and the Niños Heroes Monument within the park.

Included are troupes and cultural groups from every state. It’s a great way to experience the culture and history of the entire country including lots of little-known lore and tradition that you won’t catch anywhere else. Performers were selected, in their home states and cities, specifically for this festival.

  • The unique performances begin every half-hour, from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., from Saturday, 25 March, through Monday, the 27th. Click the image above for the full schedules (in Spanish).

The Riches of Mexico

Individual photo descriptions and credits are available at the exhibition, outside Reforma 222 on Paseo de la Reforma through March 31. 

Outside Reforma 222, no fewer than 32 individual stands present one of big group of photos. These will give viewers a strong overview of just how much there is in Mexico to visit. It’s a lot. Hours for this section are daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The photos at the top of this page were all selected from those on view.

The exhibition will remain on view from Friday March 17 through March 31, 2023. “The Riches of Mexico” is intended to highlight the individual attractions that all 32 states of Mexico offer. To no one’s surprise, each is unique in its natural, cultural, and touristic offering. It depends simply on the interests and desires of the individual visitor.

Both events are free and open to the public. If you’re in the area, exploring Chapultepec, or the Zona Rosa or Colonia Cuauhtemoc, it’s easy to take in the festival or the photographic exhibit at the same time. Free public events like these are part of what makes exploring central Paseo de la Reforma such an experience.



Parque Popular, Colonia Popular Rastro

A remarkable period-piece park from the 1960s . . .

La Tapatía, Chapultepec Section 2

A giant kids play area just across the Calzada Flotante in Chapultepec . . .

Museo Yancuic

A fantastic and important new Children's Museum in Iztapalapa . . .

Gran Parque Santa Cecilia, Tláhuac

A park that comes alive with colorful animals in Tláhuac . . .

Parque Aztlán, Chapultepec

A new amusement park and entertainment center in the heart of Chapultepec . . .