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FARO Milpa Alta-Miacatlán: Cultural Center and Arts School

FARO Milpa Alta
Photo: Milton Martínez / Secretaría de Cultura CDMX


The FARO Milpa Alta – Miacatlán is a second location for the original in San Antonio Tecómitl. Like other FARO centers in the city, this Fábrica de Artes y Oficios, (Factory of Arts and Skills) concentrates its focus on the local community. That’s a big part of the success of the FARO Milpa Alta, in particular, because it serves such a large indigenous and Nahuatl language-based community.

The FAROs offer workshops, language classes, recitals, community space, and space for continuing education and social development.

While the greater part of the population are between 15 and 29 years of age, the next biggest part of the population is younger than that. So the FARO makes up for a lot that populations education, culturally and socially. Administrators are to quick to point out that the center also serves many people traveling from Tlahuac and the State of Mexico.

San Jerónimo Miacatlán is one of the 12 pueblos originarios of Milpa Alta. Each of them are fascinating in their own right. Here, one gets a view of a very old town center and church, but a fascinating looking into a strong agricultural community on the periphery of one of the hemisphere’s great capital cities.

How to get here


San Jerónimo Miacatlán

Nearest at 0.22 kms.

San Agustín Ohtenco, Milpa Alta

Nearest at 0.44 kms.

San Francisco Tecoxpa

Nearest at 0.54 kms.


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Practical guides and services