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Metro Insurgentes and the Glorieta Insurgentes

Metro Insurgentes
Photo: Fotosintesistt on Wikimedia Commons 

metro insurgentesMetro Insurgentes is a major landmark in part because it’s built directly beneath the Glorieta Insurgentes. It’s one of the most important transit hubs in the city. It’s also, for those traveling from other parts of the city, the front door to the Zona Rosa neighborhood.

The station name comes from the Avenida de los Insurgentes, which runs north-south through most of the city. The avenue is named for the army of the rebel priest, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. The station symbol is the Bell of Dolores Hidalgo where independence was first declared in the state of Guanajuato.

The station opened in 1969. Inside, three important murals capture the attention of riders. Two are hyper-realist works by the painter, Rafael Cauduro, from 1990. The two paintings depict daily scenes in the London Underground and the Paris Metro. The third is by painter Marco Zamudio, and titled “The Passenger.”

The station handles about 270,000 passengers on weekdays.

The Glorieta de Insurgentes

Upstairs from the Metro, the Glorieta de Insurgentes is a large traffic circle. It has Metrobus stations heading north and south along the avenue. East-west traffic is traveling on Avenida Chapultepec. Plus, a number of streets from Roma Norte and Colonia Juárez also meet at the circle.

The center of the glorieta is a popular meeting place, and a major public square. It’s also the site of multiple exhibitions and commercial events that take place through the calendar year.

How to get here


Plaza La Rosa, Zona Rosa

Nearest at 0.27 kms.

Sacred Family Church in Roma Norte

Nearest at 0.27 kms.


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