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Mercado La Loma


The Mercado La Loma is the first public market to open in the Magdalena Contreras Alcaldía. With dozens of  puestos and fondas, it’s the hands-down local favorite for reliable, fresh, and honest fare. In this case, the market is the neighborhood center for Barranca Seca, or dry canyon, a rugged residential area on your way to the mountains.

  • If you haven’t gotten used to the experience of the Fonda, the small, daily menu lunch-counters in all public markets, we put together a complete guide, here.

Of the many “caldos,” i.e.; broths sold here, vendors take great pride in presenting you with flautas, chicharrones (pork rinds), gorditas, pambazos, tlacoyos, huaraches, and much more. Each day, vendors here wake-up  early to supply their storefronts with local produce and to stock-up by shopping early at the main distribution centers in Mexico City. Many will awaken as early as 4 a.m. so as to begin the day’s purchases and prepare the food neighborhood residents rely-on. You’ll be welcomed warmly too.   

Visitors to any part of Magdalena Contreras should bear this in mind! For those venturing into Los Dinamos National Park for a hike, or to La Casa de las Bellas Artes “Juventino Rosas,” the original home of the Contreras family, there are few better places to stop, eat and meet locals.  

How to get here


Mercado Turistico la Magdalena

The heart of la Magdalena, the market's a great place to eat in a classic mountain town.

Mercado 384 Contreras La Cruz

One of La Magdalena's leading public markets, this one's all new and perfect for exploring!

Mercado Tihuatlán, Aculco, La Magdalena

San Jeronimo's locals-only secret to lunch, produce and everything else.

Mercado Cerro del Judío

Everything you needed in one place, and great food too. It's the capstone to the Barros Sierra neighborhood.

Practical guides and services