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La Raza Medical Complex

La Raza Medical Complex
Photo: EspartacoPalma on Wikimedia Commons


The La Raza Medical Complex, (Centro Médico Nacional La Raza) is one of the most important hospital complexes in Mexico City. Opened in 1954, it’s administered by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). There are many highly specialized units here, including entire hospitals. Some of the procedures offered here are unique to this center. And it’s major research hospital too.

International visitors come primarily to see the two outstanding murals. Diego Rivera’s “El pueblo en demanda de salud” (The people in demand of health). The other is by David Alfaro Siqueiros; “Por una seguridad completa y al servicio de todos los mexicanos” (For security complete , and at the service of all Mexicans).

Click either image to enlarge.


The initial medical center was the work architect, Enrique Yáñez (1908-1990). He went on to be the 20th century’s most prolific designer of hospitals. He set aside the lobby to the auditorium specifically for the Diego Rivera mural.

Today the La Raza Medical Complex also includes:

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Number 3 (1963)
  • Specialties Hospital “Dr. Antonio Fraga Mouret” (1979)
  • General Hospital “Dr. Gaudencio González Garza” (1954)
  • Corneal tissue bank (2017)

There are others too. Today the entire neighborhood in Azcapotzalco is called La Raza. It’s the foundational part of the La Raza area.

The “Madonna of the IMSS” appears on all IMSS Facilities nationwide. That work is by Federico Cantú.


How to get here


Monumento a La Raza

Nearest at 0.23 kms.

Portal Vallejo

Nearest at 0.29 kms.

San Juan Huitznahuac

Nearest at 0.43 kms.


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