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Acapulco62 art gallery
Photo courtesy of the Acapulco62 Facebook page.

Acapulco62 is one of the fortunate Santa Maria La Ribera galleries to have survived the 2020/2021 pandemic. In a neighborhood always on the verge of breaking into Mexico City’s tumultuous art scene, this one is must visit.

The space is dedicated to contemporary art. The stated aim is to promote encounters across artistic disciplines and generations. Run by veterans Boris Viskin and Alfonso Mena, it’s terrific to see experience in a part of the city that’s hungry for international cred. They may just get there, yet.

Members of of a generation of painters from the 80s and 90s, they’re still marked by the old argument over the validity of painting. In their own words:

Today, when the conceptual artist again takes up the brush, and the painter reaches for the object, it’s a good time to relocate any artistic proposition above its discipline.

The gallery began on the Calle Acapulco in, you guessed it, Roma Norte. But, ditching Roma Nte for Santa Maria La Ribera, they kept the name. They’ve developed into a space where diverse artistic works in all media coexist, and even thrive, with no competition for technical supremacy. The debate, according to the gallerists, stays in the arena of aesthetics and ideas. That’s an intent worth reaching for, even if your name still harkens a little to surfboards, and the beach.

The Acapulco62 space is presently on a magnificent corner of Santa María la Ribera opposite the Kiosco Morisco. Check them out on Gallery Weekend 2021, or whenever you’re in Santa Maria.

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