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Calzada México-Tacuba Virtual Tour

The Calzada México-Tacuba—the causeway leading to Tacuba in the west—dates from well before the arrival of the Spanish in 1519. One of the three major causeways that connected the island city of Tenochtitlan with the mainland, it's still fascinating along nearly all six kilometres.

Within Mexico City, in the Historic Center, the Calzada is called Calle Tacuba. Passing out of the Center, it takes on the following names:

• Avenida Hidalgo
• The Calzada México-Tenochtitlan (the former Puente de Alvarado)
Ribera de San Cosme
Finally, the avenue is called simply the Calzada México-Tacuba

The causeway led out of the City and into the heart of Tacuba. At the same time, it's lead into the very heart of Mexico City, too. But it also leads to all of the places listed below. It's a fascinating approach to all of them.

When you're in Mexico City next, stop by and you'll see that it's only continued to grow more fascinating.

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