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San Pedro Mártir, Tlalpan

Photo: Alejandro Linares Garcia on Wikimedia Commons


San Pedro Mártir is home to a surprising number of attractions and points of interest. An original village of Tlalpan, one of 12, the town was once known as “place of ocotes,” ocotes being the great Moctezuma pine trees which still grow in the area. International guests are most often passing through on their way to the national parks to the south. But the town is worth a visit, not just for the market. See the pics below.

Church of San Pedro de Verona Mártir

The Parish of San Pedro de Verona Mártir dates from the turn of the 18th century. It was built by Dominican monks from San Agustín de las Cuevas. With a single nave, and a three-section tower, the choir used to enter through the side door at the top of the steps on the flying buttress. The roof is developed with fathom stone vaults supported by arches and sashes. Inside, a wooden relief carving of Saint Peter of Verona dates from the 18th century. The church has been renovated a few times, and has lost some of the original design. The courtyard holds two other modern building, one the very dramatic Annex building. There’s also a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe on one side of the church.

Photos below:
The Annex Building on the grounds of the San Pedro church; B) the (new) San Juan Evangelista church; C) the old San Juan Evangelista church

Photos above:
D) The San Pedro Mártir Cemetery; E) The town kiosk; F) The San Pedro Mártir Library


The new San Juan Evangelista church is an Anglican church, almost across the street from San Pedro’s. It was preceded by the older building, now called the Good Shepherd Chapel (Capilla El Buen Pastor). It’s a little further down Calle Laurel. The new one shines, though, for the exciting Arte Deco design and the dramatically executed paint job.

International visitors will mostly want to check out the library for the excellent mural work. It’s actually quite well regarded for the historical collection inside, too. Wandering around the center of the town, one might be surprised at how much there is to see and do. But don’t forget to hit the market for lunch.

Photo credits: 
A: Alejandro Linares Garcia, License
B – F: Aldonicolai, License

How to get here


Mercado San Pedro Martír

Nearest at 0.24 kms.

Chimalcoyoc, Tlalpan

Nearest at 0.65 kms.


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