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Mercado Morelos

Photo: Mercado Morelos Oficial Facebook page

The Mercado Morelos is a giant neighborhood market just northeast of the City Center. Traditional in every aspect, it’s giant, but also intimate and familiar. Families have eaten and met here for generations.

That’s not to say it’s a closed circuit. The Mercado Morelos also maintains a good social media presence. And that’s merely to say that, in fact, the market is very welcoming to outsiders. Those hoping for a first time meal here are in good hands. Among the 900+ vendors who’ve been working here for decades, there are a good handful of eateries. Fondas, antojerías, restaurantitos, and lunch counters of every possible description.

Mexican food doesn’t come from restaurants. “Gourmet” might mean European in Mexico, but in Mexico, truly excellent Mexican food means it came from regular people who love the culture, tradition, and history of Mexican food. It’s not gourmet. It came from the market and that means it’s good. It’s also affordable, healthier, and fresher.

So when you eat at the market, you’re not just helping local cooks and waiters. You’re also helping farmers, and in Mexico City, many of them are local too. This is what the urban future looks like all over the world. And the food is good.

Hours: Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

How to get here


Metro Morelos

Nearest at 0.41 kms.


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