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Laguna is a private collaborative workspace in a beautifully rehabbed factory. As it keeps the doors open, the design- and architecture-heavy workspace doubles as a cultural and community center.

The giant facility is a historic textile factory that operated from the 1920s straight through to 2018. A renovation after that didn’t cover over too much or re-paint surfaces that bore the patina of the past 90+ years. The results speak well for the entire post-industrial neighborhood.

Users of the space focus on architecture, design, art, and some culinary endeavors. The coffee shop is independent and serves the entire building. And the building provides much of the attraction. Corridors and patios give way to light, sun, and sky and visitors are welcome to explore.

The bookstore, focused on architecture and urbanism, is one of few retail spaces. Galleries of art and design will sell too, but the space is not principally retail. Most of the tenants are design and architecture related, with some established firms rounding out the stable of start ups and smaller studios.

Laguna also runs an artists residency program. Frequent community outreach events are well attended and a good reason to visit. Metro Niños Heroes puts pedestrians at just five-minutes walk away. Many of them will come just to be inside a beautifully reconditioned factory. Passageways and patios make it a spectacular place to visit, and forerunner to much of what’s quickly changing in Colonia Doctores.

Hours: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


How to get here



Nearest at 0.06 kms.

Ángulo Cero

Nearest at 0.08 kms.


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