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Parque Recreativo General Felipe Ángeles

The Parque Recreativo General Felipe Ángeles used to be principally a backdrop for the commemorative statue now almost hidden along the Avenida Congreso del Union. This was in an earlier style of park when public space was dedicated primarily to shoring up political support for the current administration. And for many years it was one of the most important commemorations of the Revolutionary-era General. Today, some will recognize the same name from the Felipe Ángeles International Airport

  • General Felipe Ángeles Ramírez (1868–1919) was military officer during the Mexican Revolution. Born in Zacualtipán, Hidalgo, he was promoted to brigadier general under President Madero (1911-1913). He was sent to Morelos to battle Zapatista forces, and he is widely credited with having reduced the violence there. He later joined the Pancho Villa forces in the north. Towards the end of the armed conflict, forces loyal to Venustiano Carranza had him executed by firing squad in 1919.

The plaque at the base of the statue reads: “My death will do more good to the democratic cause than all the efforts of my life. The blood of martyrs fertilizes good causes.”

The park is part of the neighborhood also named for Felipe Ángeles. It grew in the early 20th century as part of the old Mexico City stockyards and slaughterhouse. Many surrounding streets were lined with workers’ homes.

Today, the Parque Recreativo General Felipe Ángeles is especially important as the garden surrounding the CENDI Felipe Ángeles. The CENDIs are daycare centers and kindergartens especially important to working families. Mexico City hosts 35 separate CENDIs (Centros de Desarrollo Infantil) although they’re increasingly being replaced by CAIs (Centros de Atención Infantil). The park borders on the east side include a grade school and children’s health clinic. These opened along with the CENDI after the closure of the stockyards in 1954. 

  • Avenida H. Congreso de la Unión, Col. Felipe Ángeles, Alc. Venustiano Carranza, 15310 CDMX


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