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医学院宫殿 /宗教裁判所宫殿


这座今天依然耸立的建筑是由建筑师佩德罗·德·阿里埃塔(Pedro de Arrieta)于1732年至1736年之间修建的。他之前曾在大都会大教堂上完成了大量的工作,最重要的作品有,一个名为万灵教堂,以及圣费利佩内裡教堂(San Felipe Neri),俗称“ La Profesa。他还设计了位于广场对面的圣多明哥(Santo Domingo)教堂。

外部复盖着特松特勒(tezontle),窗户和门用灰白色奇鲁卡石(chiluca stone)框起。作为新西班牙总督辖区的神圣宗教裁判的所在地,宗教法庭于1571年设立。 圣多明哥(Santo Domingo)寺院的多明尼加传教士已经在1526年被委以审判任务。

作为宗教法庭的总部,这座建筑设有听证室、审判室、密室、监狱以及两名宽恕官的居住区。那时它通常被称为“奥亚斯加平房Casa Chata”,指的是其朝向圣多明戈广场的西南角被修建成了一个略显钝化的结构。这在通常是方形的总督宫建筑中有些创新。


然而,这个职位的权力和重要性之所以到这里,是因为埃尔南·科尔特斯(Hernán Cortés)之子马丁·科尔特斯·苏尼加(Martín Cortés Zúñiga)参与了一场旨在于1566年就将新西班牙割席独立的阴谋。他和同谋者们接受了审判,遭受了严厉的惩罚,包括酷刑。同一法庭还迫害了卡巴哈尔家族,原因是他们重归犹太教。后来,他们还处以绞刑。宗教法庭直到1821年墨西哥独立取得胜利时才被废除。


Photo: Thelmadatter on Wikimedia Commons

The Palace of the School of Medicine is today in the building which served for many years as the Palace of the Inquisition. At the corner of Republic of Brazil and Republic of Venezuela, it's on the corner of the Plaza de Santo Domingo. [caption id="attachment_11772" align="alignright" width="160"]Atzacoalco Walking Route Barrio Atzacoalco
Walking Route
[/caption] The complex's long association with the Spanish Inquisition ended only during the Mexican War of Independence. But for that, it wasn't easy to find another use for the building. Eventually, the National School of Medicine moved in. But, as luck would have it, in the 1950s, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) moved to Ciudad Universitaria. UNAM held onto the building and after another lapse in time it was converted into the Museum of Mexican Medicine.

The Building

The building standing today was built between 1732 and 1736 by architect, Pedro de Arrieta. He had done significant work prior to this on the Metropolitan Cathedral, most importantly with his Chapel of All Souls, and the La Profesa Temple. He also designed the Temple of Santo Domingo just across the square. Although Arrieta grew famous for this work, he'd died just shortly after finishing the Palace of the Inquisition, for which he received a daily salary of two pesos. Arrieta's original two-story building had a third floor added in the 19th century. The outside is clad in tezontle with windows and doors framed in gray-white chiluca stone. As the seat of the Holy Inquisition in the Vice-Royalty of New Spain, the Court of the Holy Inquisition was established in 1571. The Dominicans from the Temple of Santo Domingo had already been charged with inquisitorial functions in 1526.

The Inquisition

As headquarters of the Inquisition, the building had hearing rooms, trial rooms, secret chambers, a prison, and living quarters for two inquisitors. Then popularly known as the "Casa Chata," referring to the blunted southwest corner facing the Plaza de Santo Domingo. This is something of an innovation for normally square viceregal palace buildings. The dungeon section of the palace was known as the "perpetual prison," as few ever left after being confined there. But the power and importance of the office arrived here because Martín Cortés Zúñiga, son of Hernán Cortés took part in a conspiracy to break the Vice-Royalty away from Spain already in 1566. He and his co-conspirators were tried, denounced and then tortured and otherwise punished under severe penalties. The same court went on to persecute the Carbajal family fir reverting to Judaism among others. Later they'd also sentence Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla to death, after excommunicating him. The Inquisition was only dissolved in 1821 upon the achievement of Mexican independence.

The Museum

The Palace of the School of Medicine Museum holds very curious exhibitions of the history of medicine in the country. Exhibition halls include displays on reconstructive surgery, waxworks from the 19th century, histology, herbal medicine, botanical gardens, pre-Hispanic medicine, and embryology. There's also a vice-regal portrait gallery, 19th century pharmacy display. It's a great way to see the building, and to learn something too. The museum is closed only on Mondays.

How to get here


Biblioteca Josefina Lara Valdez

Nearest at 0.06 kms.

Casa Leona Vicario

Nearest at 0.07 kms.

Temple of Santo Domingo

Nearest at 0.08 kms.

Terraza Domingo Santo

Nearest at 0.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

El Mayor

Nearest at 0.3 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


Señor de la Expiración Chapel

A remarkable chapel on the edge of the Plaza de Santo Domingo . . .

Plaza de Santo Domingo

One of Central Mexico City's most important historic plazas . . .

Portal de Santo Domingo

A fascinating glimpse into the very real 17th century in Mexico City.

Edificio de la antigua Aduana, SEP

The old customs building today shows off some the SEP's extensive art collection.

Santa Catarina Church & Plaza, La Lagunilla

One of the most dramatic of old Baroque temples in the City, this one is the parish church of La Lagunilla.

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