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Metro Balderas

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain et Espagnol Mexicain.

How to get here


Galería Abraham Zabludovsky

Nearest at 0.16 kms.

La Ciudadela - Library of Mexico

Nearest at 0.17 kms.


Revuelta Queer House

A cultural center for the community in Roma Norte . . .

Centro Cultural Teatro 1 & 2

A major center for Musical Theater and a monument to a resiliante spirit...

El pueblo del Sol, Avenida Chapultepec

One of Chapultepec Avenue's many public sculptures...

Edificio Mascota

One of Mexico City's favorite historic housing complexes...

Las Merceditas: Templo de Belén

The Merceditas Temple was once the church on the old road to Chapultepec.

Practical guides and services