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Lake of the Aztec Kings

lago de los reyes aztecas


The Lake of the Aztec Kings, Lago de los reyes aztecas, is one of the most developed of the Xochimilco-style canal-boat launches in Tláhuac.

The lake is part of the same system of lagoons and canals, but as it’s in a slightly different part of the canal system, you aren’t quite as likely to see crowds on weekends here. Recognized by UNESCO in 2004 for its ecological and historical importance, the lake tends to be tranquil and even ethereal.

It also borders on the Tláhuac Wetlands Reserve which harbors a tremendous number of herons and migratory waterfowl, as well as the hummingbirds and swallows for which the area is famous. Perhaps less-well known, the surrounding chinampas are providing lettuce, parsley, cabbage, cauliflower, cilantro, beets, epazotes, broccoli, spinach, and hundreds of vividly colored flowers to the entire rest of the city.

Like in Xochimilco, the boat launches have fixed prices, mx$500 per hour for up to 18 people. Boat navigators will discuss the length of your tour prior to departure as well as a number of other options to make the trip fun for everyone.  There are new limits on alcohol consumption intended to protect everyone, but the Lake of the Aztec Kings is also a chill and more relaxed boating and canal experience.

How to get here


Pueblo San Pedro Tláhuac

Nearest at 0.31 kms.

Mercado Tláhuac

Nearest at 0.33 kms.


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