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Tlatelolco Area Walking Guide

Tlatelolco is best known for the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, and for the massive Nonoalco-Tlatelolco Urban Housing Complex. It's been home to thousands of people for more than a thousand years. And it's one of the original sister cities of ancient Mexico-Tenochtitlán.

For those interested, there's a brief history of Tlatelolco, here. It's complicated and fascinating. And Tlatelolco's present is too.

It's been a vital part of Mexico-Tenochtitlan and of Mexico City since the Tlatelolcans broke away from the Mexica.

When it became the bedrock of mid-Century housing ideas, plans, and construction, it just became that much more fascinating. The map shows just about everything that's not housing. But that you can hardly miss.

The site-descriptions at the bottom of this page are intended to let you see more of Tlatelolco and to get more out of all that there is. Please remember that it's a living breathing neighborhood. Residents will welcome you only if you stay respectful.

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