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Colonia Juárez (East)

The Colonia Juárez is a little difficult to portray here. It includes east and west sides with the arguably better-known Zona Rosa in the middle. Click through for points in Zona Rosa and the west side of this same neighborhood. There are many! The east end of Juárez, though, bedevils  pedestrians with two clashing street layouts. These change in orientation completely along the lengths of the Calles Roma and Versalles. It's part of the reason the area demands its own map.

Today's neighborhood, preserves many of the best standing examples of Porfiriato-era architecture in Mexico City. Development began in the  late 19th-century by the early developer Rafael Martínez de la Torre. He's best remembered today in the market that bears his name to the north in the Colonia Guerrero.

By the early 20th century, the neighborhood had grown into one of the wealthiest in the City. On the anniversary of the birth of Benito Juárez in 1906, the City government decided to officially call the area Colonia Juárez. It had filled with enormous mansions in the French-style. Although many of these were lost in fires during the Mexican Revolution, Juárez still preserves part of that architectural legacy that makes it an outstanding walking neighborhood.

It's also an increasingly important nightlife and culinary center. Strolling and taking in the sights here often also includes the Zona Rosa, or across the Bucareli Corridor and into the Historic Center. Alas, despite the cantankerous street layout, streets are shaded and often lined with cafes, boutiques, and bakeries.

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