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Travesía Cuatro

Travesía Cuatro
Photo courtesy of the Travesía Cuatro Facebook page.

Travesía Cuatro was a major Madrid gallery before opening in Mexico City in 2019. Today, they’re one of the leading advocates for Mexican art, and frequently feature artists from all over Latin America and the United States.

The Mexico City gallery was quickly followed up with another in Guadalajara. Today, the gallery is a mainstay at major international events. It also represents some of the most important younger and mid-career artists working the Mexico City visual arts scene. The Vallodolid location in Roma Norte is frequently buzzing with not just physical activity but intellectual hi-jinx, and sincere curiosity. 

The Mexico City branch opened with strong advice from partners, Jaime Gorozpe, a Mexican collector and art advisor. Gerard Faggionato brought 20 years experience running a gallery in London. He was in charge of the Francis Bacon estate, there. Inés López-Quesada, one of the original founders, told El Pais, the Mexico City opening was a natural move.

Travesía Cuatro is now super-well-positioned to draw on the best of works from both continents, and to deal openly with some of the most serious collectors in the world. The buzz in the Roma Norte gallery scene may just keep getting buzzier. 

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 


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