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Tláhuac Regional Museum


tlahuac regional museum

The Tláhuac Regional Museum is practially in the shadow of the impressive San Pedro Apóstol church and former monastery. The church itself dates from 1529. It’s not difficult, then, to get a grasp on how forcefully the arrival of the Catholic faith displaced what had been here before.

That makes the collection here that much more important. The museum occupies the building that had been the local government seat for many years. That gives them a lot of space to show off what are very significant finds from the area.

The museum’s primary purpose is to shelter the outstanding archaeological pieces found in San Juan Ixtayopan, some 10 minutes drive further south. The museum is best known to the local community for hosting holiday related celebrations, but these can include piñata competitions at Christmas and the always popular Day of the Dead offering and related installations. Visitors should check the Facebook Page for current goings-on.

Don’t miss the impressive stone rings in the atrium of the San Pedro church either.  And don’t forget that the Cuitlahuac Regional Community Museum is just a five minutes walk away. There you’ll find an equally impressive collection of artifacts. The two museums together represent what is only a relatively recent attempt to piece together the area’s profound history. A third, in Ixtayopan, shows off similarly fascinating local works.

Although there’s next to nothing in English, it’s still an immersive visit into the lives and history of the people who make up this important corner of the city.


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