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TACO; Talleres de arte contemporáneo

Photos: ©2023 TACO Talleres de arte contemporáneo A.C

The TACO Contemporary Art Workshops in Tlalpan are among the leading independent fine arts communities in Mexico City. With regular workshops in painting, drawing, theory, and history, they’re attended by a tight-knit group of professionals and younger emerging artists.

The project began as a bridge for those graduating, or preparing to graduate, from Mexico City’s other big art schools. Bridging the gap between school and the art world has long been TACO’s principle aim. They’ve also emphasized documentation of the art-making process.

The workshops occupy a 19th-century residential building catalogued by the INAH, although not a lot more historic information is available on the property. It adds a dignity appropriate to what’s already a vibrant and focused community. Many of the City’s leading artists have led workshops here, especially in graphics, printmaking, and related themes.

Exhibitions have focused on the graphic and fine visual artists, some of them little-known in Mexico City. Although they do occasionally permit sales during an exhibition, the space is decidedly more on the educational and public-interest side of the overall arts scene.

TACO usually has at least one exhibition open to the public. And convenient to the rest of the Tlalpan Center, it’s a regular stop for afternoon strollers.

Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

How to get here


Capuchin Convent Chapel, Tlalpan

Nearest at 0.02 kms.

Casa Chata, Tlalpan

Nearest at 0.10 kms.


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Multiforo Tlalpan

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Capuchin Convent Chapel, Tlalpan

A masterwork of 20th-century interior design.

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A collaboration between the State Council for Culture and the Arts of Hidalgo and the State Representative in Mexico City.

Practical guides and services