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国家宫占据了Zócalo东侧的整个区域。它是墨西哥联邦政府行政部门的所在地。占地约 4 万平方米,自 1987 年以来一直被列为世界文化遗产。

建筑群于 1522 年开始建造。它是Hernán Cortés的第二座私人府邸,建在Huey Tlatoani, Moctezuma Xocoyotzin现有宫殿的一部分之上。这座宫殿被称为新宫。随着古特诺奇蒂特兰的陷落,西班牙王室宣布它为新西班牙总督府所在地。这座宫殿就这样运行了大约 300 年。

1692 年的一场大火烧毁了大部分建筑群。在接下来的几十年里,宫殿得到了重建。1821 年墨西哥独立后,它成为行政、立法和司法机构所在地。尽管 19 世纪经历了共和制和君主制政权的多次更迭,但这一地位始终未变。1822 年至 1884 年间,除了Maximiliano在 1864-67 年间居住在查普尔特佩克城堡外,其他所有统治者的个人官邸都设在这里。此后,总统办公室一直设在国家宫,直到 1968 年。从 2012 年开始,它部分地再次成为总统办公室,并于 2018 年完全成为总统办公室。

这些年来,它一直是共和国总统的官方、礼宾和民事活动场所。国家元首和外国政府首脑在这里接见,外交使团的全权证书在这里递交。每年 9 月 15 日,这里都会举行官方的多洛雷斯呼声庆祝活动,次日则是墨西哥独立纪念日。

在过去 500 年的历史中,这座建筑经过了多次改建和扩建。国家宫具有新古典主义、巴洛克和新殖民主义元素。目前的面貌是 20 世纪第二个十年期间的重大工程的结果,当时加建了第三层。


The Plaza de la Constitución is better known, across Mexico, as the Zócalo. It's the central plaza of the City and often referred to as the central plaza of the entire country. As such, it is the frequent site of many of the important events in the city. In the photo above it looks pretty empty but it's often very crowded. Throughout the year, it hosts events, fairs, carnivals, concerts, parades, and more. The plaza is, in fact, the center of ancient Tenochtitlan. When the Spanish took the city, they retained this plaza as the political and religious center of the country - and of course, of the city too. Surrounding the Zócalo The Zócalo is bordered on the north by the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City. To the east is the National Palace, seat of the Federal Government. To the south is the Antiguo Palacio del Ayuntamiento, seat of the city government, and it's twin. To the west you will find private buildings, among them the Mercaderes building and the original Monte de Piedad. Along this side you'll find a few restaurants and terraces with spectacular views of the center city. After many efforts to revitalize the Historic Center, the Zócalo has beecome the culmination point of much of contemporary Mexican culture, politics, and expression. Photographer Spencer Tunick photographed 18,000 people here. A public skating rink has been set up here every winter since 2007. And the list goes on and on. Concerts have been by artists like Café Tacuba who drew 100,000 fans. Shakira more than doubled that number only a short time later. No matter when you visit, there will always be something going on at the Zócalo, where much of the history of the country and the city has been and will continue to be written.

  • For information on Turibus and Capital Bus tour bus stops, see the entry on the Plazuela del Marqués / Plaza Menor.  That's the northwest corner of the square, just west of the Cathedral.

How to get here
  • Plaza de la Constitución S/N, Centro Histórico de la Cdad. de México, Centro.


Mexico City Government Building

Nearest at 0.10 kms.

Metro Zócalo/Tenochtitlan

Nearest at 0.10 kms.

Museo de los Cabildos

Nearest at 0.10 kms.

El Balcón del Zócalo

Nearest at 0.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

El Rey del Pavo

Nearest at 0.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


Gran Hotel de la Ciudad de México

A landmark hotel on the edge of Mexico City's main plaza . . .


One of the most important sites in the city, even today, don't miss the chance to visit the Templo Mayor.


One of Mexico City's proudest, most enormous parts of history, the Palacio dominates the entire east of the Zocalo.


The first Cathedral to have been built in the Americas.

Antiguo Palacio del Ayuntamiento - Old City Hall Building

Among the earliest on the buildings on the Zócalo, it's still the seat of City government.

Practical guide and services