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贝尼托·华雷斯半圆形剧场(贝尼托·华雷斯 Hemicycle)是中央广场(Alameda Central)的众多焦点之一。它是一个汇合点、一个突出的地标和一座历史纪念碑,是新古典主义风格的代表作。

纪念碑呈半圆形,具有浓厚的希腊风格,12 根多利克式圆柱支撑着相同顺序的内檐和楣饰结构。中央的雕塑代表贝尼托·华雷斯 ,寓意 “祖国 “的桂冠为他加冕。第二个寓意是 “法律”,他头顶高举火炬。下面,共和主义之鹰在新阿兹特克图案上展翅飞翔,底座上卧着两只狮子。


“献给值得称赞的贝尼托·华雷斯 ,祖国”。

纪念碑于 1906 年开始建造,以纪念华雷斯诞辰一百周年。 工程人员由Porifirio Díaz亲自指派,雕塑由意大利艺术家Alessandro Lazzerini完成。

贝尼托·华雷斯 半身雕像于 1910 年 9 月 18 日落成,几十年来一直是国家彩票开奖的场所。当Kiosko Morisco从国外举办过几次活动回来后,这里也曾是彩票的举办地。彩票公司搬入自己的大楼后,纪念碑成为成千上万张照片的背景,一直保留至今。
东行的双层巴士停靠在华雷斯大道纪念碑对面,寺庙(Corpus Cristi Temple)前面。西行的双层巴士停靠在Hidalgo大道 Franz Mayer 博物馆外的 Alameda Central 北面。从一侧走到另一侧大约需要五分钟。

Though one might like to photograph the Alameda Central from the air, the true enchantment of the park can best be understood in strolling its multiple promenades. Perhaps nowhere has the idea of the repetitiveness of a park laid out geometrically, in the style of a formal garden, been more firmly refuted.

The Alameda Central is beloved for its corners. Its confluences and its remarkable shade and light ensure that it plays a central role it plays in the lives of city residents. Officially created in 1592, it's the oldest public park in the Americas. The area had been a marketplace in the west of Tenochtitlan. Viceroy Luis de Velasco II ordered that a public green space be created for city residents sometime prior to 1592. Although many cities in Latin America also have alamedas, their names come from this one, and from the Spanish word álamo, meaning poplar tree. The western half of the park had previously been an open plaza used for the execution of heretics at the height of the inquisition. (Only about 30 such executions are believed to have been carried out in all of Mexico.) The park was likely expanded to include this area by about 1791. By the time the Mexican war for Independence was won in 1821, the Alameda was open to the public in something like its present form. Gas lamps were installed and these were converted to electric lamps by 1892. Legend has it that the 1846 triumph of President Santa Anna was celebrated by filling the Alameda's fountains with alcohol so all the city residents could imbibe. The 2012 rehabilitation of the park included replacing all of the damaged pavement with marble. A complete replanting of the many gardens included lots of new trees. Many plants are indigenous to the region and the project has broadly been considered a complete success. There's more to the area surrounding the Alameda, here.

  • Av. Juárez s/n, Col. Centro.



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