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House Museums

House Museums in Mexico City only start with Frida Kahlo's former family home. As intimate and insightful as any visit there can be, it's just the start.

From there we move on to architects, literary figures, and people important to the Mexican Revolution. Other important periods in the life of the country are represented, too. Even Frida Kahlo's other home (and studio) makes the list below.

While there are too many museums to visit in one trip, there may be too many house museums, too. Mexico City's commitment to the life of the mind—for residents and for visitors from abroad—means that you get access to a City of museums. Every trip can be totally different and enchanting.

It's a City second only to London in the entire world for the sheer number of museums. There's a lot to explore. And part of the experience of these places is that many of them are off the beaten path, in new neighborhoods and curious corners of the city.

Many of these smaller museums offer the intimacy and the familiarity that can only come from touring a former home. But they're also focused on their subjects like few other museums can hope to be.

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