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Colonia Tabacalera

The Colonia Tabacalera is one of Mexico City's truly great walking and strolling neighborhoods. Wide streets give way to some of the central city's best 20th century residential architecture.

The neighborhood came to be at the late 19th century. It was planned as a response to Miguel Ángel de Quevedo's outstanding work for the Buen Tono tobacco company in the City center. The worker housing units at the lower end of the Avenida Bucareli are enviable even today.

The Tabacalera Mexicana company didn't add much to the neighborhood, other than the name. But by the mid-20th century, the neighborhood was well known for hosting "Che" Guevara and Fidel Castro, and a burgeoning Bohemian and artists' community.

Some of the sites below are must-see. But the streets surrounding them, the streets you'll pass along the way, make the neighborhood itself one of the City's most pleasant.

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