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Greater Mexico City

Greater Mexico City includes three states: Mexico, often shortened to EdoMex, plus Morelos, and Hidalgo. Many visitors will encounter parts of these places after a few days stay in Mexico City. But no honest guide to Mexico City could possibly leave them out.

EdoMex surrounds Mexico City on three sides. It's called Mexico, historically, because Mexico City, during the colonial period, was entirely the domain of the Spanish elite. This surrounding territory was the domain of the banished Mexica people.

The state of Morelos, to the south, was broken off from EdoMex only in the 19th century at the same time as was modern Tlalpan. Today, it's more than a garden community of Mexico City suburbs. It's an important complement to the area's economy and a serious driver of domestic and international tourism.

As the City has grown, so too have neighborhoods and towns in all the surrounding areas. Some of them important to understanding the City and its culture and history. Others are vital today as engines of economic activity. All of them together are part of what make life in the Capital so vibrant and interesting.

While we probably can't include everything, below are some of the highlights. Be sure to click on the map for at least some of the Greater Mexico City sites, places, and attractions.

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