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风格多样,大饱眼福palacio correos

墨西哥邮政宫(Palacio de Correos de México),世界上最美的邮局。墨西哥邮政宫的建筑风格是折衷主义的,混合了新艺术运动、西班牙新文艺复兴建筑、银匠式风格、西班牙洛可可风格、伊丽莎白哥德式,以及威尼斯哥特复兴等多种风格。这座建筑还包括摩尔复兴建筑、新古典主义建筑、巴洛克建筑和装饰风艺术 元素。还有来自欧洲和墨西哥的材料和设计元素的混合体。


邮政宫内部充满了石雕、大理石装饰和精美的石膏工艺。楼梯由墨西哥大理石制成,铜铸品则是在意大利佛罗伦萨的Pignone铸造的。主楼的钟表是由迪纳兄弟(Dienner Brothers)和珠宝商从德国进口的。钟表在墨西哥重新组装,其中有绳索机构、电子设备和用于滑轮、配重和电缆的液压传动装置。当然,包括一个六铃钟。



The Postal Palace (Palacio de Correos de México) is an architectural treat. In mixed Art Nouveau, Spanish Renaissance Revival, Plateresque, Spanish Rococo style, Elizabethan Gothic, Elizabethan Plateresque, and Venetian Gothic Revival there's a lot to look at. Noteworthy elements are also Moorish, Neoclassical, Baroque, and Art Deco. Built by the Italian, Adamo Boari and Mexican, Gonzalo Garita in 1902, the building opened in 1907 in the waning years of the Porfirato. It was intended, then as now, as a main city post office. To be fair, upon its introduction, the notion of a national postal system was considered extravagant, too. The Postal Palace is stock full of gargoyles, marble ornaments, and elaborate plaster work. Staircases are made of Mexican marbles and the bronzes were cast in the Fonderia Pignone in Florence, Italy. The clock in the main building was imported from Germany by the Dienner Brothers and La Perla jewelers. This needed to be re-assembled in Mexico, with rope mechanisms, electrical devices, and hydraulic transmissions for pulleys, counterweights, and cables. And of course, there's a six-bell chime. Inside, marble floors and shelves are combined with bronze and iron window frames. These, too came from Florence. The stairways cross on the second floor landing, after which they move off in their own directions. Meeting rooms contains frescos by Bartolomé Gallotti painted over a base of 24 carat gold. Themes relate to the history of written communication and the sending of messages. The building continues to serve the postal service. It also contains a museum with displays of tools of the trade and historical documents. The second floor is devoted to the permanent exhibition on Postal Culture. There's an interactive room, and an introduction to Philately. The library contains 8,500 volumes and 240 historical documents dating from 1580 to 1900. Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

How to get here


Palacio de Minería

Nearest at 0.07 kms.

Manuel Tolsá Museum

Nearest at 0.07 kms.

Prócer Wine & Beer

Nearest at 0.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Mata Comedor Cantina

Nearest at 0.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


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