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Metro Coyoacán

metro coyoacan
Top, one of the station’s two Andrómeda murals by sculpter Marta Tanguma (1983) Photo: jd (A) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) 


Metro Coyoacán is often a first stop for international visitors who make pilgrimages to Coyoacán, a popular tourist destination. If you’re using the Metro to get around the city, it’s nice to know there’s a complete shopping center right upstairs.

The station´s logo is the coyote. The circle in the center represents the water holes for which the area is famous for. And Coyoacán, in Nahuatl, means ¨Place of Coyotes¨.

Founded by Toltecs between the 10th and 12th centuries, it was later the first capital of New Spain. In fact, Hernán Cortés first settled here after the fall of Tenochtitlan. The first city council for what was to be the capital of New Spain was also established here.

There was a plan to name the station for the nearby Centro Bancomer, a banking conglomerate. But as Bancomer moved their headquarters to a Skyscraper on Reforma, it’s best the people at the Metro settled for the Coyoacán name.

The station also hosts the two “Andrómeda” murals (numbered, 1 and 2), by the sculptress Marta Tanguma from 1983. Made with acrylic and fiberglass reliefs, the work is represented by a spiral nebula. In total, the two works occupy an area of ​​more than 23 square meters.

How to get here
  • Av. Universidad s/n, Col. Xoco.


Centro Coyoacán Shopping Center

Nearest at 0.13 kms.

Mítikah Tower

Nearest at 0.34 kms.

San Sebastián Xoco

Nearest at 0.42 kms.


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