The Leon Felipe Monument stands on the roundabout just outside the Casa del Lago in the First Section of Chapultepec. The statue was the 1974 gift of then-president Luis Echeverría in honor of the Spanish-born poet, León Felipe.
The sculptural monument is the 1973 work of sculptor Julián Martínez Soto. In these pages, he’s best known for the Mestizaje Monument in the Parque Xicotencatl in Coyoacán. Always controversial, that work casts an awkward light onto the more compelling equestrian monument to Morelos in the Alameda del Sur. His best-known work though, is likely the equestrian monument to Francisco Villa in the Parque de los Venados. For that monument alone, the park is also known as the Francisco Villa Park.
Nearest at 0.04 kms.
Nearest at 0.19 kms.
Nearest at 0.32 kms.
One of Chapultepec's more sublime historic homes is a cultural center, too.
A walkway honoring great Mexican poets in Chapultepec . . .
One of the important entranceways to Los Pinos, and thus to the rest of Chapultepec.
A center for the protection of amphibians across the Valley of Mexico.
]The beloved Fountain of the Frogs in the Bosque de Chapultepec...