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奥里萨巴山谷伯爵宫殿(Casa de los Azulejos)或“瓷砖之家”(House of the Tiles)是墨西哥城一座18世纪的富丽堂皇的住宅式宫殿。最幸运的是,自1919年以来,这里一直是连锁饭店和百货公司Sanborns的所在地,现在也对公众开放。或者至少,其中相当大一部分游客有机会参观。对于外行来说,桑Sanborns的价位也非常合理,每个人一生中至少应该来这里享用一次早餐、午餐或晚餐。

这座引人注目的宫殿实际上位于狭窄的伯爵夫人胡同(Callejón de la Condesa),就在五月五号街(5 de Mayo)和马德罗(Calle Madero)步行街的中央。至少从16世纪开始,这里就一直在这座城市占有举足轻重的地位。

虽然在这之前,del Valle de Orizaba伯爵拥有这处拥有由两栋房屋构成的房产,但现在人们看到的建筑始建于1793年。一段时间后,这里又重新装修,使用了来自普埃布拉(Puebla)的蓝白瓷砖,从一开始就引起了轰动。宫殿里面有两件值得一提的艺术品。其中一件是罗马尼亚画家Pacologue于1919年创作的一副孔雀壁画。

也许游客会更喜欢另一件艺术品,即楼梯间里José Clemente Orozco的一副早期作品,即创作于1925年《无所不知》(Omniscience)。这就是那幅画。在这所宫殿内外,游客都会发现丰富的东西。

来自加州的Sanborns兄弟在当时的菲洛梅诺马塔街(Calle Filomeno Mata)(今塔库巴街)开了他们的第一家冷饮店和药店。仅仅几年后,他们就生意扩展到了奥里萨巴山谷伯爵宫殿(Casa de Azulejos)。他们花了两年时间对这里进行了改造,在主庭院上安装了彩色玻璃屋顶,并继续扩建。如今,Sanborns拥有125家连锁饭店,配套有百货商店,还有34家Sanborns连锁咖啡馆。在20世纪上半叶的大部分时间里,这家特别的餐厅被誉为相当优雅的餐厅。如今,游客会发现这里很舒适,找到欣赏墨西哥城一个真正历史宝藏的愉快借口。

The land was acquired by the Counts of the Valley of Orizaba. In 1653, the fifth countess rebuilt the palace to give it its present appearance. When the Avenida 5 de Mayo was widened in 1904, a new façade was added. In the main patio, the upper corridors are supported by tall and slender columns. A beautiful Baroque fountain stands out. In the stairway a tile baseboard is preserved. In the landing, the mural Omnisciencia was painted by José Clemente Orozco in 1925. It was a steam baths, Jockey Club of the city, and the Casa del Obrero Mundial. When the patio was transformed into a central dining room, it was endowed with a  mural by the Romanian painter, Pacologue, Since 1918, it has functioned as a pharmacy, soda fountain, and restaurant owned by Sanborns.

Heart of México Walking Route:  Alameda - Madero

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Proyecto “Corredor de Cultura Digital”.

Nombre de la investigación: Investigación Centro Histórico, Monumentos, Edificios y Puntos de Interés (2023)

Dirección de investigación y diseño de Rutas: Acércate al Centro A.C. Guadalupe Gómez Collada

Coordinación e investigación histórica: Fideicomiso del Centro histórico Dir. Maestra Loredana Montes

Today, there are 125 Sanborns restaurants with the full attached department store and some 34 Sanborns Cafés. This particular restaurant was considered quite the elegant dining establishment for most of the first half of the 20th century, but today, you'll find it comfortable and a pleasant excuse for taking in one of Mexico City's true historical treasures. Hours: Daily, 7 a.m. to 1 a.m.



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