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互動經濟博物館 (MIDE)


互动经济博物馆(MIDE)屡获殊荣,也是同类博物馆中专门致力于经济、金融和可持续发展的第一家博物馆。墨西哥银行(Bank of Mexico)创办MIDE的目的是鼓励学习和讨论以经济和金融为中心的主题。


• 发展与福利
• 金融社会
• 经济学基础
• 可持续发展


这座建于17世纪的建筑曾经是穷人修道院、贝伦圣母医院和圣弗朗西斯科泽维尔修道院。贝特米塔斯(Betlemitas)修道会建造了这里,并在此运行了200多年。最西边的教堂曾经是修道院和修道会的教堂。如今,教堂成为了伯利米塔斯的陆军和空军博物馆(Army and Air Force Museum)。




MIDEThe Hospital Order of Bethlemite Brothers arrived from Guatemala in 1674. They founded a hospital, convent, and novitiate on Calle Tacuba. The imposing 18th-century building is the work of the master builder, Lorenzo Rodríguez. By 1821 the order was suppressed and the building was put to various uses: a theater, Lancasterian school, school for nuns, a hotel and as housing. In 1950 it was declared a national monument and in 1989 it was acquired by the Bank of Mexico. After an arduous restoration, it was opened to the public as the Interactive Museum of Economics in 2006. Their old temple survives today as the Army Museum.

Heart of México Walking Routes: Manuel Tolsá - Santa Veracruz

< < Ruta S Domingo- S Catarina | MUNAL > >

Proyecto “Corredor de Cultura Digital”.

Nombre de la investigación: Investigación Centro Histórico, Monumentos, Edificios y Puntos de Interés (2023)

Dirección de investigación y diseño de Rutas: Acércate al Centro A.C. Guadalupe Gómez Collada

Coordinación e investigación histórica: Fideicomiso del Centro histórico Dir. Maestra Loredana Montes


National Art Museum - MUNAL

The National Art Museum in Mexico City's Centro Histórico is always going to be a holiday highlight.

Plaza de Santa Veracruz

One of Mexico City's most beautiful historic squares, it's a meeting place for booklovers and dealers.


Presiding over Avenida Balderas like a fount of history, the Old Hipolito Church still strikes a somber chord.

Equestrian Monument to Carlos IV: El Caballito

Perhaps more controversial than Sebastián's big yellow replacement, Charles the Fourth is still riding high.

The Printmaking Museum: Museo Nacional de la Estampa

The National Print Collection is an enormous trove of important printed works from a wide variety of techniques.
