Ernesto de la Peña Muñoz (1927-2012) was a writer, humanist, linguist, polyglot, academic, and scholar. A professor of cultural history in numerous private institutions, he was also professor of eastern religions, Greek literature, and translation technique and German language at the Institute of Interpreters and Translators. He was an official translator for the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. As such, he also collaborated on translations for the Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District. He received the the Xavier Villaurutia Prize for a collection of short stories: Las estratagemas de Dios (1988). His knowledge of 33 languages and cultures is reflected across the body of his literary output. His most famous works include The Stratagems of God, published in 1988; The Indelible Borrelli Case in 1992; Mineralogy For Intruders in 1999; and The Transfigured Rose, also in 1999.
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An exciting cultural center devoted to music, theater, technology, and art.
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One of the least well-known of the Original Barrios of Coyoacán . . .
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