伊图尔维德宫,建于1779年至1785年之间,是墨西哥城历史中心的一座巨大住宅建筑。这座建筑由圣马特奥·巴尔帕莱索伯爵(Count of San Mateo Valparaíso)兴建,作为他女儿的婚礼礼物。阿古斯丁·德·伊图比德(Agustín de Iturbide)在1821年至1823年居住在这座建筑中。他在这里接受了第一次墨西哥帝国的王冠,这是在赢得殖民独立战争后的一项重大事件,最终也以他的名字命名了这座建筑。
今天,这座建筑成为了墨西哥的“巴纳梅文化促进基金会”(Fomento Cultural Banamex)的所在地,被称为“巴纳梅文化宫 – 伊图尔维德宫”(Palacio de Cultura Banamex – Palacio Iturbide)。
这座建筑的设计始于弗朗西斯科·安东尼奥·格雷罗·托雷斯(Francisco Antonio Guerrero y Torres),后来由他的姐夫阿古斯丁·杜兰(Agustín Duran)完成。它是当时唯一的四层住宅建筑,被大众认同为墨西哥巴洛克风格的杰作。
尽管19世纪早期这座建筑曾是矿业学院的所在地,但伊图尔维德宫(Iturbide Palace)于1855年进行了翻修,曾为超过100年的酒店。这座建筑于1965年被墨西哥国家银行收购,并于1972年成为巴西墨西哥银行文化基金会的所在地。
Popularly known as the "Palacio de Iturbide," the palace was built by architect Francisco Guerrero y Torres in 1782. It was built as a dowry given by the Marquis of Jaral de Berrio to his daughter at her marriage to the Marquis de Villafont. With Mexican Independence, the palace was occupied by Agustín de Iturbide and his family. Troops arrived to the building to cheer him as emperor, and thus began the First Mexican Empire. The elegant façade is one of the best examples of "civil Baroque" architecture in Mexico City. The two atlantes placed over the high gate stand out. The majestic courtyard is formed by arcades supported by slender columns, influenced by the courtyard of the Royal Palace of Palermo, in Italy. The palace is currently a cultural precinct dedicated to important temporary exhibitions and called the Palacio de Cultura CitiBanamex.
Heart of México Walking Route: Alameda - Madero
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Proyecto “Corredor de Cultura Digital”.
Nombre de la investigación: Investigación Centro Histórico, Monumentos, Edificios y Puntos de Interés (2023)
Dirección de investigación y diseño de Rutas: Acércate al Centro A.C. Guadalupe Gómez Collada
Coordinación e investigación histórica: Fideicomiso del Centro histórico Dir. Maestra Loredana Montes
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