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Tourism in Colors


The Secretariat of Tourism of Mexico City, as part of the strategy for LGBTTTI Tourism, has carried out multiple actions and campaigns for the development, promotion, and positioning of the LGBTTI community since 2019.

Turismo de Colores

The LGBTTTI community has been recognized within the logo system of the Mexico City Government. The “Turismo de Colores” logo provides visibility and presence to demonstrate work being done in favor of the dignity of all people.

“Vive con Orgullo” Campaign

Among all the actions carried out, the “Vive con Orgullo” campaign stands out for communicating with all the LGBTTTI people who live in, transit through,  and/or visit Mexico City, to feel proud of who they are. The same campaign invites all tourist-oriented establishments and businesses to share the same pride through the services they provide, with warmth, respect, and empathy for all people of diverse sexualities and gender identities to enjoy every corner of the Cultural Capital of America.

Tourist Guide “Capital LGBTTTI”

One of the most relevant contributions has been the publication of a tourism guide “Capital LGBTTTI,” a bilingual editorial work to share the great diversity of activities the city offers to the national and international LGBTTTI communities.

Night of Pride

Aware of the tremendous number of national and international tourists who visit the city on the occasion of the Pride March (celebrated on the last Saturday of June for the past 45 years), the Secretariat of Tourism of the City, hand in hand with Altearte, AC. has organized the Night of Pride since 2019. The aim is to promote respect, inclusion, and recognition of sexual diversity among the residents of Mexico City, and all those who visit. This is achieved through a series of cultural, artistic, and recreational activities. The most recent edition included a slate of more than 70 activities, under the theme of cultural tourism of the LGBTTTI community. The events welcomed a wide range of sexually diverse national and international visitors to Mexico City.

Mix Mexico Festival

The Mexico City Ministry of Tourism also actively supports the Mix Mexico Festival: Cinema and Sexual Diversity. It is the longest-running independent film festival in Mexico City (begun in 1996). It’s also the first and largest of its kind in all of Latin America. The festival provides formal screenings to national and international films whose commercial distribution is considered “difficult” due to theme, format, style, or duration. The festival includes LGBTTTI narratives and experimental films about gender, living with HIV, discrimination, and sexual politics, and the festival includes conversation and creative exchange between professionals and their audience.

Best Urban Destination 2022 and 2023

Among the achievements and recognitions received by Mexico City has support of LGBTTTI Tourism was the “Best Urban Destination 2022 and 2023” awarded by the National Union of LGBT+ Tourism Entrepreneurs, A.C.. This recognition recognizes the City’s commitment to remaining at the forefront of its inclusive vocation. It’s expressed through specialized tourism services that provide quality, welcome, and safety to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transvestite, transsexual, and intersex tourists who travel through, visit and enjoy Mexico City: the Heart of Diversity.

Queer Destinations Committed

Mexico City became the first Latin American national capital city to receive the distinction of Queer Destinations Committed. The distinction recognizes a specialized tourism offer for the LGBT+ community. The recognition was achieved based on the “Hospitality Meets Diversity” Seminar on LGBT+ awareness and training. Participants included strategic actors within the travels sector, at touristic areas of the City’s 16 alcaldías and public servants of the Ministry of Tourism of Mexico City. This was in addition to actions undertaken by the Mexico City Government in favor of the community.

The value chain is important for the commitment of the government of Mexico City, because it allows the tourism industry to strengthen strategies of attention to LGBTTTI tourism. Below are the Mexico City establishments which received the Queer Destinations Committed distinction.

Hotels and Hospitality:




Foro A Poco No

Spectacular cabaret theater in the middle of República de Cuba nightlife . . .

Revuelta Queer House

A cultural center for the community in Roma Norte . . .

República de Cuba Nightlife for LGBT+ Travelers

Mexico City's "other" LGBT+ nightlife haven...

Zona Rosa Nightlife for LGBT+ Travelers

Mexico City's LGBT Night Scene really starts here...

Cineteca Nacional

Mexico City's truly great museum and archive of movies past and present...