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Holy Trinity Church

桑提西玛圣三一教堂(Santisima Trinidad Temple),即桑提西玛至圣三位一体教堂(Temple of the Most Holy Trinity La Santisima Trinidad)圣殿,如今通常简称为桑提西玛(La Santisima)。这座教堂是一座标志性的建筑,坐落于历史中心最古老和最喧闹的地区。这座教堂宏伟壮丽,是远离城市喧嚣的好去处。教堂的外观令人叹为观止。据说在19世纪60年代,这里深得卡洛塔皇后的喜爱,这不仅是在于其建筑风格令人喜欢,还因为其细节和装饰内外如一。


1569年,这里重建后,一群圣克拉拉(Order of Santa Clara)修女占领了教堂,并在这里呆了十年左右。修女们最终离开时,裁缝行会与圣佩德罗兄弟会(Brotherhood of San Pedro)的修道士合作,夺回了这里。




桑提西玛至圣三位一体教堂毗邻拉默塞德(La Merced)社区,这里是市中心最传统和最具代表性的一个区域,如今,这里因巨大且始终令人着迷的默塞德市场而闻名。


Holy Trinity ChurchThe Congregation of Secular Priests of San Pedro, together with the brotherhood of Tailors built the temple and hospital of the Holy Trinity. The temple is one of the most beautiful examples of the Styptic Baroque in the capital. The main façade, the lateral façade, the bell tower and the niche with the stampa have pilasters known as stípites, showing its era (1755-1783). The architect was Ildefonso de Iniesta Bejarano. The priests built the hospital so that secular priests of the archbishopric could convalesce with dignity. Of the rich interior, only a few sculptures and paintings remain. These are scattered throughout the enormous nave. The hospital façade is still standing in a characteristic NeoClassical style. Visitors can enjoy the view with the bell tower topped with the papal tiara.

Heart of México Walking Route:  Moneda - Santísima

< < Academia de San Carlos | Ruta Antigua > >

Proyecto “Corredor de Cultura Digital”.

Nombre de la investigación: Investigación Centro Histórico, Monumentos, Edificios y Puntos de Interés (2023)

Dirección de investigación y diseño de Rutas: Acércate al Centro A.C. Guadalupe Gómez Collada

Coordinación e investigación histórica: Fideicomiso del Centro histórico Dir. Maestra Loredana Montes




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