圣伊波利托和圣卡西亚诺神庙(Temple of San Hipólito and San Casiano)的双塔和周围的建筑群背后有无数故事。如今,这里虽然是San Judas Tadeo(英语为Saint Jude)狂热追随者的主要聚会场所,但这座神庙的历史可以追溯到征服时期,而且并不止于此。
这是旧(超旧)的墨西哥-塔库巴公路(Calzada Mexico-Tacuba)的起点,这条堤道从特诺奇蒂特兰通往的邻近城市塔库巴,当时称为特拉科潘。因此,这里的历史几乎无法用一页文字回顾,但我们尽量尝试。
从这里开始通往塔库巴的街道长期以来被称为“阿尔瓦拉多桥”(Puente de Alvarado)。1520年6月30日,西班牙人正是在这里逃离了特诺奇蒂特兰。阿尔瓦拉多(Alvarado)留下来负责这座城市,而科尔特斯((Cortés))则说服一群派来逮捕他的西班牙人与他一起进行掠夺。2021年,这里更名为墨西哥-特诺奇蒂特兰公路(Calzada Mexico-Tenochtitlan)。
每年8月13日的彭东大道(Paseo del Pendón)游行是一种效忠王室的游行,纪念特诺奇蒂特兰城的沦陷。在殖民时期的大部分时间里,人们都会庆祝这一活动。每年,游行队伍从今天的国家宫(National Palace)出发,一直道圣伊波利托(San Hipólito)。
部分地基的历史可追溯至1528 年。
另外两个人物是圣安东尼修道院院长(Saint Anthony Abbot)和帕多瓦的圣安东尼(Saint Anthony of Padua)。
1843年,Antonio López de Santa Anna将军将这里用作军营,并出售了底楼。
1850 年至1853年,医学院将这里当作总部,改革法(1857年)出台后,这里出租出去。
著名的1913年灾难十日(Ten Tragic Days)期间,教堂大门紧闭。教堂遭到严重破坏,直到1919年才重新开放。
1931年,这里成为国家纪念碑(National Monument)。
20世纪50年代,这里专门修建了一座礼拜堂供奉圣犹大塔德奥(San Judas Tadeo)。
随着圣犹大塔德奥(San Judas Tadeo)越来越受欢迎,1982年,他的画像被移至主祭坛,恰好摆放在圣伊波利托和圣卡西亚诺的画像中间。
这位绝望事业的守护神(Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes)的纪念日是10月28日,但信徒们每年都会在每个月的28日表达追思。大多数时候,在主入口处,游客都可以看到摊贩在出售与圣犹大塔德奥(San Judas Tadeo)有关的虔诚物品。
就像街那头的圣韦拉克鲁斯教堂(Church of Santa Veracruz)一样,圣伊波利托神庙(Temple of San Hipólito)在历史上的地位复杂而充满争议。也许仅仅忽略这段矛盾且常常令人痛苦的历史还不够,大家可以直接调查,尽可能地表达质疑。
Troops commanded by Hernán Cortés defeated the city of Tenochtitlan on August 13, 1521. The Christian saints' calendar of that time marked the feast of Saint Hippolytus the Martyr on that day. The soldiers thus received plots of land in the city as rewards for their work.
A soldier named Juan Garrido received some land on the outskirts of the city, where the Spanish troops had passed on their escape on June 30, 1520 during a passage remembered as the "Sad Night." On his land, Garrido built a hermitage and gathered the skeletal remains of the fallen from that sad night. He named his hermitage for the martyrs.
In 1564, the Mexico City Council received an offer from the Pope to acquire the remains of Saint Hippolytus Martyr for 800 pesos of common gold. The temple to San Hipolito and San Casiano, as patrons of the Hispanic conquest of the city, was then erected over the chapel of the martyrs.
In that church was a banner with which Cortes took to the Mexica capital, so that every year - over three centuries of Spanish domination - "The walk of the banner" was carried out. The entire population of the capital participated. The current temple was opened in 1767. In the atrial wall of the temple of San Hipólito, architect José Damián Ortiz de Castro erected a monument to the sad night. It is a wall a little more than two meters high, known as the "Monument of the Labrador" recalling a legend of a Nahua farmer who tried to warn Moctezuma II of the consequences of his actions.
The history of the old hospital is also unique. Bernardino Álvarez, a Spanish soldier with a great fortune obtained through games and frauds, bought some vacant land next to the temple of San Hipólito. By 1567 the archbishop of Mexico granted him a license to found a hospital. The institution was dedicated particularly to the elderly and the insane. Soon more people became involved in its maintenance until the Congregación de La Caridad y San Hipólito was created. It was suppressed by the Cortes de Cádiz in 1820.
Heart of México Walking Route: Manuel Tolsá - Santa Veracruz
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Proyecto “Corredor de Cultura Digital”.
Nombre de la investigación: Investigación Centro Histórico, Monumentos, Edificios y Puntos de Interés (2023)
Dirección de investigación y diseño de Rutas: Acércate al Centro A.C. Guadalupe Gómez Collada
Coordinación e investigación histórica: Fideicomiso del Centro histórico Dir. Maestra Loredana Montes
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