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Sagrada Familia, Portales

All photos this page: Catedrales e Iglesias/Cathedrals and Churches, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

The Church of the Sagrada Familia a striking Modernist church in the Portales neighborhood. The 1960s-style church boasts a giant stained glass window over the main entrance. Passersby will also notice the giant bell tower.

The current temple dates from a construction period that lasted from 1960 to early 1967. The design was by architect Enrique Carral Icaza (1914-1976). In these pages, he’s best known for his design of the original 1963 Manacar City Center. He’s also remembered for his participation in the Benito Juárez International Airport and for work on the giant Rosario Housing Development.

The church here spans the entire city block with parish offices and quarters to the north and rear of the church. The central stained glass window above the main entrance corresponds to the choir loft on the inside.

The single nave of the church is a simple rectangular space. This bears modest decoration. Still most outside visitors will come simply to gaze at the stained glass. Inside, you’ll also encounter the elongated sculptures of the saints and a number of other ecclesiastical art works.

The Sagrada Familia church can also stand as a landmark on a trip from Metro Line 2 to the Electric Transport Museum. That total walk takes about 15 minutes.

Ivan San Martín Córdova, 2016, Estructura, abstracción y sacralidad, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

How to get here


Church of Cristo Rey, Portales

Nearest at 0.37 kms.

Metro Portales

Nearest at 0.47 kms.


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