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Campo Marte


The entrance to the Campo Marte is marked by a monument to Division General Joaquín Amaro Domínguez (1889–1952). Amaro was the principle organizer of the modern Mexican Army. A revolutionary general and military reformer, he later served as Secretary of War through the 1920s. He's often credited with transforming the armed forces from a partisan political faction to one loyal to the president and constitution. A committed leader during the Revolution, his experience led to the successful consolidation of the Mexican government and armed forces that had fought bitterly during the long war.

  • Av. Paseo de la Reforma, Col. Polanco V Secc, Alc. Miguel Hidalgo, 11560 CDMX



Camino Real Hotel, Polanco

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Centro Deportivo Chapultepec

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Foro Cultural Chapultepec

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Embassy of Chile

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Gate of the Lions, Chapultepec

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