圣胡安工艺品古玩市场(San Juan Crafts and Curiosities Market)是另一个从着名的圣胡安莫约特兰(San Juan Moyotlan)的原圣胡安市场(Mercado de San Juan)分支出来的公共市场之一。其他的还有帕拉西奥·拉斯·弗洛雷斯·圣胡安市场。
相近 0.03 kms.
相近 0.07 kms.
One of the most important sites in the city, even today, don't miss the chance to visit the Templo Mayor.
One of Mexico City's best loved old ruins of a church, this one's still got a story.
One of Mexico City's proudest, most enormous parts of history, the Palacio dominates the entire east of the Zocalo.
The first Cathedral to have been built in the Americas.
Among the earliest on the buildings on the Zócalo, it's still the seat of City government.