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Metro Bosque de Aragón

The Metro Bosque de Aragón station is on Line B of the Metro in the City’s northeast. The station is named for the giant recreational park immediately to the north of the station. In fact, the station is visible from much of this section of the park. With a major zoo in the west, the eastern end is a much quieter place.

The park was officially opened in 1964 on land that had been reforested since the 1930s. President Lázaro Cárdenas famously championed the desalinization of the soil and the planting of much of the original forest during his administration from 1934-1940. After World War II though, the larger Aragón area was a crowded and entirely urban area. The forest became an important natural reserve and recreation area.

Today the park is an important and historical part of the modern urban landscape, and a popular place for weekend reunions and parties. The park entrance at the Metro offers special access to the quieter side of the lake and picnic areas. The station also serves the residential neighborhoods of San Juan de Aragón Sections 3, 4 and 5 to the east and south of the station. The station logo refers to the Forest Park with the symbol of three trees.

Nevertheless, it’s not one of the busier stations on Line B. Although the overall Metro Line will see heavy use during rush hours, late mornings and afternoons can see the station all but empty. The station opened in 1999 with the rest of Metro Line B.

How to get here


Bosque de San Juan de Aragón

Nearest at 0.49 kms.

Mercado San Juan de Aragón IV & V

Nearest at 0.67 kms.

Casa de Cultura Carmen Aristegui

Nearest at 0.90 kms.


Nuestra Señora de la Luz

A very old church calls to mind the long history of the Villa Guadalupe Hidalgo . . .

Parque Tepeyac Shopping Center

One of Mexico City's biggest shopping malls is pet friendly, too . . .

Mercado San Juan de Aragón IV & V

A market just south of the Bosque de Aragón Metro station. . .

San Juan Crisóstomo, Aragón

The town church of the Pueblo de San Juan de Aragón...

Mercado No. 185 Pueblo San Juan de Aragón

The central town market for the original settlement of San Juan de Aragón.

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