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FARO Cosmos

Faro Cosmos
Photo: Tania Victoria/ Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de México

The FARO Cosmos

The FARO Cosmos

How to get here


Metro Normal

Nearest at 0.16 kms.

Holy Dog!

Nearest at 0.4 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


Nearest at 0.8 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


Parque Cañitas

A neighborhood favorite just in from the old causeway landing.

San Álvaro Church

A Tacuba neighborhood church in Azcapotzalco...

Mercado Gascasónica

A giant neighborhood market in the old west of Tacuba...

San Diego Ocoyoacac

An age-old neighborhood of ancient Tacuba, today home to an enormous park...

Pronto Socorro Church, Popotla

A church next to Mexico City's most famous tree...

Practical guide and services