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Mercado Azcapotzalco


How to get here


San Simón Pochtlan

Nearest at 0.11 kms.

Parque Azcapotzalco

Nearest at 0.24 kms.

Santas Alitas

Nearest at 0.5 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Muy Gallito

Nearest at 1.8 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC


Estatua de Rabindranath Tagore

A sculpture honors the Bengali writer and philosopher who won 1913 Nobel Prize for Literature . . .

Santo Domingo Huexotitlan

One of Azcapotzalco's ancient neighborhoods is remembered in a stone chapel.

Santo Tomás Tlamatzingo

A crooked town center to one of Azcapotzalco's oldest settlements...

San Francisco Tetecala, Azcapotzalco

One of Azcapotzalco's original settlements....

San Sebastián Atenco, Azcapotzalco

One of Azcapotzalco's original villages, Atenco has reclaimed its very old name.

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