Nicolás Gissi B. Cuicuilco vol.16 no.45 México ene./abr. 2009; Redes sociales y construcción de la colonia en la Ciudad de México. El caso del enclave étnico chocholteco en San Miguel Teotongo, Iztapalapa,rural%20de%20la%20Mixteca%20oaxaque%C3%B1a.
Nearest at 0.22 kms.
Nearest at 0.48 kms.
Nearest at 1.18 kms.
One of the most attractive of the Utopia Sports and Cultural Complexes is a major scientific center too.
The leading public market in lower San Miguel Teotongo.
A park and community center between Teotongo and two historic towns...
One of Mexico City's most recognizable volcanos...
The park is increasingly important as an educational space, and for astronomical observations.